Keller Williams Legacy Group Realty - Sophia Valentine

Stark County Real Estate Market Recap: May 2024

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As we move through the summer months, it’s essential to look back at how the real estate market performed in May 2024 in Stark County, Ohio. This detailed recap provides valuable insights for buyers, sellers, and real estate professionals alike.

Market Overview

May 2024 was a vibrant month for the real estate market in Stark County. Here’s a snapshot of the key statistics that defined the market:

  • Months of Inventory: 1.09
  • Median Sold Price: $215,000
  • Total Properties Sold: 333

Let’s dive deeper into what these numbers mean and how they compare to previous months and years.

Months of Inventory

The months of inventory metric is a crucial indicator of the market’s health. It measures how long it would take to sell all the current listings at the present sales pace if no new listings were added. In May 2024, Stark County had just 1.09 months of inventory.

This figure indicates a strong seller’s market. Typically, a balanced market has about 6 months of inventory. With such a low number, buyers are facing stiff competition for the available properties, often leading to quicker sales and potentially higher prices.

Median Sold Price

The median sold price for homes in Stark County in May 2024 was $215,000. This figure provides a midpoint of all home prices where half sold for more and half for less.

Compared to previous months, this price point indicates stability in the market. For context, if we look back a year, the median sold price has seen moderate increases, reflecting both steady demand and perhaps the effects of inflation on property values. This median price can help potential buyers and sellers set their expectations and pricing strategies accordingly.

Properties Sold

A total of 333 properties were sold in May 2024. This is a robust number, suggesting a lively market with active transactions. For comparison, if the number of sales in the previous months were lower, this could indicate a seasonal uptick in market activity, which is common as the weather warms up and people look to make moves before the new school year begins.

Market Trends and Insights

Several trends and insights can be drawn from these statistics:

  1. Seller’s Advantage: With only 1.09 months of inventory, sellers are in a favorable position. They can expect their homes to sell quickly, often with multiple offers, and potentially at higher prices than listing.
  2. Buyer Challenges: Buyers face a competitive market. They need to be prepared to act quickly and make strong offers to secure a property. Working with a knowledgeable real estate agent can be crucial in navigating this competitive landscape.
  3. Price Stability: The median sold price of $215,000 reflects a stable market. While not skyrocketing, prices are holding steady, which is beneficial for both buyers looking for affordability and sellers seeking good returns on their investments.
  4. Increased Activity: The sale of 333 properties suggests that the market is active. Whether driven by seasonal trends, economic factors, or demographic shifts, this high level of activity is a positive sign of a healthy market.

Looking Ahead

As we move further into 2024, it will be interesting to see how these trends develop. Will inventory levels rise, offering more choices for buyers, or will the seller’s market persist? Will median prices continue their steady trend, or will we see significant changes due to economic shifts?

For those considering buying or selling in Stark County, staying informed about market conditions is crucial. Whether you are looking to make a move now or planning for the future, understanding these key metrics can help you make more informed decisions.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights as we continue to monitor the Stark County real estate market throughout the year. Happy house hunting or selling, and here’s to making the most of your real estate endeavors in 2024!

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